
martes, 15 de octubre de 2024

I am interested in putting on different suits

The actress Tamara Morales assumes, with pleasure, different characters and, on the other hand, has ventured into the script and the realization of audiovisual presentations…

Eduardo Lázaro Nuñez Godinez en Exclusivo 20/12/2016
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Tamara Morales
“I am not interested in repeated characters" Tamara Morales, cuban actress.

“If I do not take off the green-olive uniform soon, I will have to invent any strategy. I begin to get worried, because many people on the street, including cops, greet me with a military facial expression, you already know. It makes me happy because that demonstrates that Silvia, the lieutenant colonel, the boss of the National Operating Unit has been a credible character for the people and for the companions of that space. That somehow pays tribute to my effort as an actress in achieving it.”

And Tamara Morales does not lack reason, because the people have certainly been thankful for seeing her in the police seri es ONE, with counsel of the Ministry of the Interior and produced by Commercial RTV. And not only in this audiovisual product, but also in all those she has integrated for the television screen.

The Cuban peasant in “Tierra Brava”, the nurse in “Si me pudieras querer”, the Ondina in “Las huérfanas de la Obrapía”, the Omaida in “Latidos compartidos” and also “La Polilla” in “Dando Vueltas” (a character from my childhood that I remember dearly) have shown an organic, native born, close Tamara Morales to our real world.

“I am not interested in repeated characters. There are actors who can transit with the same character and they do it very well but others, like me, are only interested in playing very different characters. And that is what really courts me in this profession.”

“If I am sincere to you, I never imagined myself interpreting a character like the lieutenant colonel Sylvia, but those surprises brought by the performing, make me feel always at ease with my doing. I can be that now, later a woman doctor, then I will have to be in a hospital for months to get myself into that character … It  will be an enriching experience in all the cases.”

Did it happen to you in that way in UNO?

“Yes, but mostly in this second period now on screen. In the first period I could not have the required previous preparation for my character. To tell the truth, I had not been included in the casting. I was absorbed in the preparation of the television serial ‘Latidos compartidos’ and they went to look for me, because the casted actress for this role had the tremendous luck of getting pregnant and could not go on with the work.”

“It was a challenge for me. I trusted on Roly Peña and Luberta, and they also trusted on me. I leant on the actors and on the team that had already had preparation, but I felt that Silvia was weak in her history and wanted to improve her. In order to assume the second period I stayed about three months in 100 and Aldabó sharing the work with a great group of instructors. So, the work they accomplish every day was very good and enlightening for me. I could understand them better and I am thankful for their help, specially to lieutenant colonel Yoanka Aguilar, who was my mentor my trainer for the preparation of the character. Now I enjoy Silvia and I see her with more maturity, with more stability.”

There is a Tamara Morales graduated in direction from the Faculty of Audiovisual Aids, Superior Institute of Arts, who pleases a lot to write…

“You are right, and I have already been able to kill the dwarf of being in charge of a team of realization as director, but I have still got a long way to go. I need more time to know whether I have the necessary power and patience to go ahead with a full-fledged audiovisual project or not. I congratulate those who achieve it with the required effort and persistence it demands.”

“A team with good personal relations is required for this kind of work. Though most of those names and faces are not seen on the screen, it is well worth to mention them. I do not really know if I will be able to gather a team like this in the time to come and, at the same time, gather all the ‘Tamaras’: the one who likes to write, the one who likes to lead… But, I confess I do have some projects that will come to light in the future.”

“I also did things in the movies, I was casting director and first direction assistant in some full-length film projects. They were marvelous experiences and I enjoyed them a lot, and they are a source of knowledge that complete your formation.

“I wrote Two Brothers for my degree thesis, an audiovisual that I could also lead, and in its moment it was rewarded for its script in various festivals, so I felt very encouraged. I kept on doing my attempts, in some cases I wrote fiction shorts for some friends, I counseled others. I collaborated with Carlos Lechuga in his prime opera Melaza, I worked with Daniel Díaz Torres in the film Ana, for the original idea is mine. More recently, I worked with Raquel González in the series Of Loves and Hopes. Moreover, I also acted in the first three chapters. Those have been my flirtations with the script, I have kept others for the moment to come.”

You have worked for children, you have put on an act, television… And the movies?

“Unfortunately, my absence in the movies does not depend on my election. The same has happened to many Cuban actresses. The little movie production in our country has provoked that many actresses from my generation and other ones younger and not so young have not been able to live that experience. I would like it very much but the opportunity has not come. Only I was lucky to work in the movies, it was a Daniel Torres’ film. From that on we talked about my dissatisfactions as a screenwriter and the idea came from the film Ana.”

While the project in which you will act as director materializes and other scripts come to light… What will you do?  

“Just to wait for someone to knock at my door and offer me a proposal of my interest to assume.”


Eduardo Lázaro Nuñez Godinez

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Almir Mestre León
 21/12/16 15:02

It's not my intention to sound rude, but Tamara is not a good actress, I'm sure that's not the reason for her absence in Cuban films, heaven knows worse actresses and actors get the chance to be in movies today.

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