
miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2024

The unbelievable happened

Due to the acquired experience in offering charter flights, now JetBlue can aspire with greater possibilities to be number one...

Eduardo Lázaro Nuñez Godinez en Exclusivo 19/10/2016
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Five years ago, when JetBlue began charter flights between The USA and Cuba, the dream was to do that in a regular and direct way. But then, it looked incredible that a day like this, August 31st, they had the opportunity to be the one that restarted this kind of service which had been suspended by Washington in 1961.

To make possible that historical fact, which perhaps can only be overcome by a flight of Cuban airplanes to the USA territory, the participation of many people and organizations was required. Among them, stands out Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Transport, who came on board in the inaugural flight of the Airbus A320 of the JetBlue from Fort Lauderdale to the central Cuban province of Villa Clara.

No doubts, this step can contribute to more advances in the construction of the relationships between the two countries, mainly in the gradual extinction of measures as those that reduce to 12 categories of travelers that can visit the Greatest of the Antilles, where they are prohibited to go as tourists.

In this case, the sky was ascended neither with easiness nor with comfort, though Obama’s administration has been comprehensive to execute this action. There have been contrary political forces, which include comments concerning supposed security problems and inability to manage direct flights.

However, the JetBlue denies such lies, then its authorities and specialists affirm that during five years they have demonstrated the airports are extremely safe with rigorous inspections and strict execution of the international standards.

Nevertheless, in correspondence with the ascent of the number of visitors, Cuba continuous modernizing the infrastructure of the airports which will benefit all the enterprises

The advantages this airline enjoys today for being present in Cuba in advance when the regular direct flights were approved can be an incentive, so that the American managers show greater interest and hurry to be introduced in advance inside the market of the Caribbean nation.

For the acquired experience in offering charter flights, now JetBlue can aspire, with more possibilities, to be the number one and offer services of a superior quality and competitive prices that, without doubts, will also induce others to reduce the cost of the passages.

If it is taken into account that it was last February when the Memorandum of Understanding between Cuba and The United States was signed for the reestablishment of the regular flights, it could be concluded that it has been a relatively quick execution for an operation that is part of the implementation.

Although in the street level, Cubans consider positive these approach steps on respectful bases and respect to the sovereignty and independence, there is always someone who makes jokes, as the case of a traveler on board a private load truck dedicated to the transportation of passengers who travel in those vehicles between Santa Clara and Sancti Spiritus in very uncomfortable conditions and with high prices.

She said: “My sister comes in a very comfortable airplane from The United States that is 90 miles away with 99 dollars, however, I travel a little more than 40 miles and I have to pay 40 non-convertible pesos to these “cuentapropistas” (Those who work for their own interest) and that is what I earn in almost four days of work.

On the northern “villaclareño” (From Villa Clara) municipality of Caibarién, very near where the “pedraplén”(Stone road built through the sea) begins towards the touristic keys, Marylín comments, “With these flights and those prices, Cubans, soon, in the same day, will be able to have breakfast in Miami, eat lunch and go for a walk here like Robert Mc Namara, who had a house in this port, did in the decade of the 50s in the last century. Mc Namara was Secretary of State of The USA and later President of the World Bank.

The state workers of tourism as well as those of the private sector dedicated to the lodging activity, frequently talk about the necessity of getting ready for an increment of the number of foreign visitors. They consider the reestablishment of the commercial flights is another important step in that sense for the future.

Of course, the news of world repercussion put the Cuban city, Santa Clara, in the focus of international attention. There is no lack of those who claim not to be neglected, for those who come with the characteristics anticipated by Obama’s Administration will increase. They just want to achieve their purposes with other methods.


Eduardo Lázaro Nuñez Godinez

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